Reuse is a critical part of the transition towards a circular economy. It is a concept that can help us change the way we think about packaging: from waste to valuable resources.
TOMRA's webcast: Reuse it or lose it
Watch industry experts, Geir Sæther (TOMRA) and Andy Grant (Eunomia) as they discuss how we can reuse our way to true circularity for valuable resources. Simon Rosseau (Aarhus, Denmark) talks about what this concept looks like in practice.
Download presentation
Download the slides as presented during the webcast below in the PDF file format.
Geir Sæther
SVP, Circular Economy and Head of Reuse at TOMRA
Geir's presentation begins at 01:58 during the video above.
Audience questions answered
Find an overview of questions asked during the event below, answered by the panelists.
Listen to the podcast
Listen to an audio-only version of the event on a podcast platform of your choice.
With the global population estimated to be over 7.7 billion people, and growing, we need to embrace systems that move us away from the use of single-use products and packaging that produce large amounts of greenhouse gasses and deplete our already scarce resources.
While it’s important to recycle and further enhance the systems for it, we need to look at solutions further up the Resource Hierarchy to help solve the global waste crisis. Establishing and embracing reuse systems for packaging, including take-back programs, sanitizing processes, refilling, and logistics, is critical to a circular economy.
Reuse infographics
View infographics explaining reuse below.
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